And we have great news!
The Gravity Masters of Janaidar, The Stolen Man Trilogy Book Three is slated to be published around the end of Fall 2024!
Dragons of Orion and Elijah, the Stolen Man Book One
now available
The Creeping Darkness of Janidar, The Stolen Man Trilogy Book Two
now available
About Robert:
Throughout the first half of my career, I worked around, and even inside of, giant machinery like ore processing facilities, powerhouses, and strange industrial environments such as underground soda ash mines and vast strip mines for coal. These are places where safety is everything and nothing can be overlooked. We humans are fragile after all. All this heavy-industrial experience lends real life intensity to my writing.
When starting out in heavy construction, I worked at a petroleum refinery in Cheyenne Wyoming–a stinky, dirty, nasty, and chemically dangerous place. I moved on to heavy construction in the boomtown days of Rock Springs, Wyoming, during which I was a Heavy Equipment Operator on Large Diameter Drilling Rigs. At the Black Butte Coal Mine, I drove a Wabco Truck the size of a house with tires twice as tall as a person. I even worked on a Page Dragline with a giant, 50-cubic-yard bucket—one of the biggest mobile land-machines ever known. I eventually became an Inside Wireman in Denver Colorado, and obtained my Master Electrician’s License, which I carried for 22-years.
One time, working on Unit 4 of the Jim Bridger Powerhouse during preoperational shakedowns, a 40-pound chunk of stainless-steel scrap got picked up inside a 10-foot diameter steam line. It hit the last 90-degree bend, went right through the 4-inch thick stainless-steel pipe, then through a wall of the powerhouse like a cannon ball making a 3-foot hole. We found that piece of mangled stainless (3 inches thick and a couple feet square) over a mile away. Three of us were sitting right under the outside of the unit when the coupon of steel blew right over our heads. The shock wave was so intense it shattered the windows of the pickup and knocked us all silly. I moved on and traveled about the U.S. as an electrician putting time in on coal-fired and nuclear powerhouses all the way from Colorado to Oregon and Washington. I even worked at one of the first nuclear powerhouses in the world–The Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Power Plant near Platteville, Colorado.
Circa 1989, I made a career move by attending the University of Colorado Denver Campus where I got a Bachelor of Science Information Systems (BSIS) and graduated Magna cum Laude. After, I became an Oracle Master Database Administrator as well as an IBM AIX Systems Administrator. I was also the Director of Information Services at the County Sheriffs of Colorado.
The capstone of my professional career was my Certification as a Project Management Institute – Project Management Professional (PMI-PMP).
Personally, I have a profound dislike for narcissists, which gives me deep-seated insight when writing about the bad things nitwits and idiots do. Writers compose work from direct knowledge and research, which I truly enjoy. My imagination compels the reader to go along for the ride into the world I create. My point is this. To be a good author, you should write about what you know (or feel) with passion.
As I look around me today I hope that we will someday stop destroying ourselves and our beautiful planet with war and strife. The next book of heavy industry will certainly be off-planet. First, we’ll mine the Moon, then terraform Mars. Next, we’ll industrialize the Asteroid Belt, and finally the moons of Saturn and Jupiter. That’s a lot to write speculative science-fiction and fantasy about. Isn’t it?
Lastly, my favorite author is Janes S. A. Corey, who wrote among other things: The Expanse, Leviathan Awakes.
Other favorite authors (both living and dead) are: George RR Martin, Terry Brooks, Steven King, Ben Bova, Ray Bradbury, Larry Niven, Isaac Asimov, C. J. Cherryh, Orson Scott Card, Poul Anderson, Fred Saberhagen, Robert Heinlein, Robert Adams, Jack Chalker, Bill Gibson, the Wachowskis, Joss Whedon, J.J. Abrams, George Lucas and Lawrence Kasdan.
Thanks for your time and I wish you well.
About The Stolen Man Trilogy:
Beast-headed, genetically modified soldiers I call genmosols created by long-headed NuliZhu aliens from the planet Ta Shemau in a parallel dimenson of the multiverse, who resemble the gods of ancient Egypt have returned to planet Janaidar to enslave the human population tey abandoned millennia ago. The aliens are powerful and odds seem insurmountable, but unbeknownst to the aliens, Janaidar has magic-wielding, telepathic techno-dragons, who developed their own science and technology in the Orion Nebula ages before the pyramids of ancient Egypt were built, and they have preserved and hidden an ancient-alien artificial-sapience—The-Creeping-Darkness—that was built by the ancient-alien NuliZhu as the ultimate weapon over 5,000-years previous. Also left behind were the Huan Long Shui Sisteren—an order of chaste guardians have kept The-Creeping-Darkness suppressed over the ages till High Priestess Alahna awakens it to seek a techno-warrior savior for her planet.
A reluctant hero named, Elijah, gets abducted from Earth through a transdimensional-arc, transformed into a power-master by The-Creeping-Darkness, and becomes embroiled in a quest to save the dragons and peoples of Janaidar.

One of our favorite vacations is to visit the Oregon Coast. This photo was taken by Vic. We were on the beach below Ocean City, Oregon.